Thursday, March 26, 2020

Cat Chemistry - Helping Your Cat With Cat Psychology

Cat Chemistry - Helping Your Cat With Cat PsychologyIf you have been looking for a way to bring about a change in your cat's mood, this is one method that you may want to try. Cat chemistry can be very difficult to understand and can be quite embarrassing if you do not do it right. Keep reading for more information. Let's begin!First of all, the question that many people are asking is what is cat chemistry? Cat's know each other much better than we do. They know who is pleasing them the most, or what their biggest fears are, or what they think is right, and they use this knowledge to manipulate us.Happy cats, for example, will often use the bathroom in their own territory, while unhappy cats will show up in the same place as before. These behaviors can be seen in their behaviors, which are often more disturbing than the original problem itself. If the situation was not as bad as it was before, they can calm down easily enough, but if the situation is worse than it used to be, there i s no way that they can let go of it.Other strange behaviors are funny cat things like scratching and nipping at doors and running on the toilet. They will act different when they see your other cat, or when another dog is around.We do not realize how much they influence us until they change. When this happens, we may be feeling more uncomfortable and make a big mistake.Cat psychology can be used to help with this, especially in a home environment. Just talk to your cat and pet, and read the signs that are coming out of their mouths. Make sure that you read their body language, as well. The cat's reactions will vary, so it is important to understand what they mean and what they are trying to say.You can use these tactics to get your cat back to where they belong, or to help change their behavior a little. No matter what you choose, it is possible to get back some of your cat's lost confidence in your household.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Wish or Hope Video and Exercise

Wish or Hope Video and Exercise Wish and hope are two similar words that are commonly confused in English. Ask a native English speaker (who doesnt teacher English) and theyll probably have to think a long time to define the difference between these two words.For example:I (wish/hope) I was a man.I (wish/hope) I had some wine.I (wish/hope) he wins the election.Watch the video to see if you were correct, then try the exercises below. Choose the correct answer. Write your answers in comments and we will correct them.1. I (wish/hope) you wouldnt order hamburgers at nice restaurants.2. I (wish/hope) you would take me to restaurants with better hamburgers.3.  I (wish/hope) you have a nice vacation.4.  He  (wishes/hopes) he will get a better job.5. He (wishes/hopes) he had more money.6. I (wish/hope) you got the apartment you wanted.8. I had (wish/hope) he would have called me sooner.9. We (wish/hope) you a merry Christmas.10. Lets  (wish/hope) that everything is better next year. Gloria 1. I wish you wouldn’t order hamburgers at nice restaurants. 2. I wish you would take me to restaurants with better hamburgers. 3. I hope you have a nice vacation. 4. He hopes he will get a better job. 5. He wishes he had more money. 6. I wish you got the apartment you wanted. 8. I had wish he would have called me sooner. 9. We wish you a merry Christmas. 10. Let’s hope that everything is better next year. LOIEnglish GloriaYou had two problems. Number 6 and 8. Number 6 is something we want for the future but we dont know the results yet. Because it is a desire for the future we need to use hope. We use the past tense of wanted because we dont know the result or if our desire happened. So the correct sentence is, I hope you got the apartment you wanted. Number 8 We never use wish with an auxiliary before. So we cant say I had wishinstead we use hope. I had hoped he would have called me sooner. We could also say this: I wish he would have called me sooner. But notice wish is alone without an auxiliary. I ho pe this helps. RoBO The last example on the video I was hoping you could work for me might also be referring to the future to the speakers desire that the other person might be able to work for them in the future. The use of the past continuous I was hoping is just to make the request a little more indirect, but it still refers to the future. Another common structure of this type is I was wondering if you could work for me tomorrow. Using wondering makes the question more open, whereas with hoping the implications is that but maybe you cant, ie its more indirect and polite and makes it easy for the other person to say no (just a thought) YC Lai 1 Hope 2 Hope 3 Wish 4 Hopes 5 Wishes 6 Wish 8 Wish 9 Wish 10 Hope

Great Family Field Trips for Holiday Break

Great Family Field Trips for Holiday Break Are you looking for new ideas to keep your child entertained and engaged this holiday break? Explore your community for fun and educational outings for the whole family. Here are four fun ways you and your child can spend time togetherand learn or experience something new. Planetariums or Observatories Reach out and touch the stars at a planetarium or observatory. These can be hugely entertaining for your budding astrophysicist or rocket scientist, but even a casual visitor will enjoy taking in the wonders of the universe in a totally different way. Many facilities offer opportunities to view the stars through telescopes with a trained astronomer. Pack some blankets and a thermos of hot cocoa for a night of holiday lights that your family wont soon forget. Visit for a list of planetariums and observatories in your state. Wildlife Parks and Refuges Wildlife parks and refuges often offer special winter programming that highlights how local plants and animals adapt to winter conditions. Whether you brave the outdoors or opt to enjoy the visitors center, one major benefit to visiting these types of attractions in winter is the lack of crowds. Check with your local, state and national parks and wildlife departments for events and programs for families and kids. Theater, Ballet or Orchestra December is a prime month for family-friendly holiday performances of all kinds. Take your family to one of the many known seasonal productions and read the story before or after the performance. Other performances such as The Nutcracker are a perennial family favorite, and orchestras often present programs of holiday music that listeners of any age can enjoy. Look for opportunities to meet the performers so that your child can get a backstage glimpse into how these artists do their work. Factory Tour A tour of a local business, manufacturing facility or other factory is a great way for your child to see and learn how things work. Check with your state or local chamber of commerce to find out what companies in your area offer tours of their production facilitiesretail manufacturers or distributors, food producers or other organizations may offer tours and informational sessions about the steps that go into making their products. Often, these sessions incorporate local history, fun facts, and science and engineering concepts. As an added bonus, these tours are often free. Use a little creativity to explore the many educational outings available in your areabeyond the standard museums and zoos. Look into visiting your local news station or newspaper. Consider taking a self-guided tour of a nearby college. Check independent movie theatres for educational films or documentaries for your older child. Better yet, try a few different options. Your child will be sure to have a wonderful story or two to tell when someone asks, What did you do over holiday break?

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Accountancy as a career

Accountancy as a career Accountancy is the fastest growing area of business activity and also the universal language of commerce, underpinning economies the world over. If you are thinking of pursing a career in accountancy you will probably have a strong set of skills; the obvious number one skill will be maths, but paying attention to close details will also be an important requirement. Accountants and auditors will often receive very complex problems so if your speciality is problem solving, this could be the perfect career. Accountancy may involve a great deal of responsibility. The ultimate decision will be yours as an accountant or financial officer. Accountants strive to ensure that trust is embedded in both the training and qualifications that define not only their profession, but also the individuals that choose accountancy as a career. Companies and individuals will rely on you as much as they would a lawyer, to maintain an incredible degree of accuracy due to intense scrutiny by tax officials for example. If you thrive working under pressure this indeed is a valuable advantage. Accounting and finance qualifications can now open the door to a wide range of interesting and intellectually demanding job opportunities in businesses, specialist organisations and consultancies in the UK and overseas. Here are a few topics you will learn when studying a BA accountancy degree: Introduction to Accounting Quantitative Methods Introduction to Computing Management Studies Managerial Economics Financial Reporting Marketing Principles and Practices Strategic Management Auditing International Businesses Taxation Commercial Law for Businesses First Tutors Business has many experienced tutors that can help with your accountancy studies. Take a look at the following profiles: Faheem's Trainer Profile, Chirag's Trainer Profile, Dan's Trainer Profile, Roy J's Trainer Profile or search in your local area for a tutor that can assist close to your home. The bottom line is, people will always be interested in money so accountants will always have plenty of job opportunities. Best of luck!

Aspiring Gold Medalists Motivation Keeps Him on Top of His Game

Aspiring Gold Medalists Motivation Keeps Him on Top of His Game Aspiring Gold Medalists Motivation Keeps Him on Top of His Game Aidan, 12-years-old, Math Level J, Reading Level K 12-year-old Aidan has his sights set on winning. As a competitive swimmer, he dedicates several hours of his day, six nights a week, to practice with his top-tier swim team. The dedication isn’t just in the poolâ€"Aidan is also a member of the National Junior Honors Society, takes several Pre-AP courses, and maintains a spot on his school’s honor roll.   Aidan’s motivation to be the best that he can be in all areas is something that he was able to focus on in Kumon. He first enrolled in the Kumon Math and Reading Program three short years ago. He has since completed the entire reading program, which ends in analyzing Shakespeare, and is currently studying high school level mathâ€"all before even entering high school!   Aidan’s advancement through Kumon has made it possible for him to complete his homework in a snap, thus leaving extra time to continue training to be a professional swimmer. “No matter the challenge, whether it be big or small, long or short, hard or easy â€" I will always give it my best shot,” said Aidan. “The most beneficial quality I have learned through Kumon is devotion, because no matter how tough a question or challenge might be, I know I will make it through.” When we asked Aidan who his role model was, he responded that it was five-time Olympic gold medalist, Katie Ledecky. However, he doesn’t just idolize her for her athletic careerâ€"Aidan admires her academic drive and the fact that she attends college at the prestigious Stanford University.  In addition to aspiring to make swimming a career, Aidan also has interest in becoming an inventorâ€"and with his motivation and dedication both in and outside of the classroom, that goal is well within reach. It’s not surprising that Aidan was one of 56 students chosen from across North America to attend Kumon’s 3rd Annual Student Conference. He traveled with his family to Chicago, Illinois to connect with like-minded Kumon Students that aspire to be the best they can be. We had a chance to chat with him and learn more about his aspirations and Kumon story. What do you enjoy most about Kumon? I enjoy learning new things by myself without the help of others, because it makes me feel good about myself that I learned to solve a new problem all on my own. How has Kumon helped you outside of the classroom? Kumon has helped me beyond academics and outside the classroom by teaching me to stay consistent in my work and manage my time better. Because of this, I now have more time to participate in the hobbies that I am passionate about, like hanging out with my friends and having swim practice every night for two hours. What keeps you motivated? Aidan shakes hands with Kumon North America president Mino Tanabe When the material gets extra challenging and my life gets busier, I stay motivated to keep up with my Kumon education when I think of my ability, and where I used to be compared to where I am now. I went from an average student to being at the top of my class. What achievements are you most proud of? I am most proud of completing Kumon’s Reading Program in just three years, and being able to compete in Zones, which is swim meet that only the best in Colorado go to. What was your experience like at the Student Conference, and what was your favorite part? My experience at the Student Conference was amazing and a lot of fun! One of my favorite moments was when we got to meet the other older Kumon students who have completed the program and learn how they completed Kumon. Discover even more student success stories. You might also be interested in: Motivation is the Key to this Kumon Student’s Success This Aspiring Astronomer is Shooting for the Stars Hard Work and Discipline Help this Problem Solver Go for the Gold Finding the Motivation to Persevere and Succeed Aspiring Gold Medalists Motivation Keeps Him on Top of His Game Aspiring Gold Medalists Motivation Keeps Him on Top of His Game Aidan, 12-years-old, Math Level J, Reading Level K 12-year-old Aidan has his sights set on winning. As a competitive swimmer, he dedicates several hours of his day, six nights a week, to practice with his top-tier swim team. The dedication isn’t just in the poolâ€"Aidan is also a member of the National Junior Honors Society, takes several Pre-AP courses, and maintains a spot on his school’s honor roll.   Aidan’s motivation to be the best that he can be in all areas is something that he was able to focus on in Kumon. He first enrolled in the Kumon Math and Reading Program three short years ago. He has since completed the entire reading program, which ends in analyzing Shakespeare, and is currently studying high school level mathâ€"all before even entering high school!   Aidan’s advancement through Kumon has made it possible for him to complete his homework in a snap, thus leaving extra time to continue training to be a professional swimmer. “No matter the challenge, whether it be big or small, long or short, hard or easy â€" I will always give it my best shot,” said Aidan. “The most beneficial quality I have learned through Kumon is devotion, because no matter how tough a question or challenge might be, I know I will make it through.” When we asked Aidan who his role model was, he responded that it was five-time Olympic gold medalist, Katie Ledecky. However, he doesn’t just idolize her for her athletic careerâ€"Aidan admires her academic drive and the fact that she attends college at the prestigious Stanford University.  In addition to aspiring to make swimming a career, Aidan also has interest in becoming an inventorâ€"and with his motivation and dedication both in and outside of the classroom, that goal is well within reach. It’s not surprising that Aidan was one of 56 students chosen from across North America to attend Kumon’s 3rd Annual Student Conference. He traveled with his family to Chicago, Illinois to connect with like-minded Kumon Students that aspire to be the best they can be. We had a chance to chat with him and learn more about his aspirations and Kumon story. What do you enjoy most about Kumon? I enjoy learning new things by myself without the help of others, because it makes me feel good about myself that I learned to solve a new problem all on my own. How has Kumon helped you outside of the classroom? Kumon has helped me beyond academics and outside the classroom by teaching me to stay consistent in my work and manage my time better. Because of this, I now have more time to participate in the hobbies that I am passionate about, like hanging out with my friends and having swim practice every night for two hours. What keeps you motivated? Aidan shakes hands with Kumon North America president Mino Tanabe When the material gets extra challenging and my life gets busier, I stay motivated to keep up with my Kumon education when I think of my ability, and where I used to be compared to where I am now. I went from an average student to being at the top of my class. What achievements are you most proud of? I am most proud of completing Kumon’s Reading Program in just three years, and being able to compete in Zones, which is swim meet that only the best in Colorado go to. What was your experience like at the Student Conference, and what was your favorite part? My experience at the Student Conference was amazing and a lot of fun! One of my favorite moments was when we got to meet the other older Kumon students who have completed the program and learn how they completed Kumon. Discover even more student success stories. You might also be interested in: Motivation is the Key to this Kumon Student’s Success This Aspiring Astronomer is Shooting for the Stars Hard Work and Discipline Help this Problem Solver Go for the Gold Finding the Motivation to Persevere and Succeed

Adolphe Sax`s 201th birthday

Adolphe Sax`s 201th birthday Happy Friday! Today, I have a question for you. Do you know who Adolphe Sax is. Just think about his name Sax. If you are thinking about saxophone, you are absolutely right. Sax was a Belgian musician who invented this musical instrument. If Adolphe Sax were still alive, he would have celebrated his 201st birthday on Friday the 6th of November. To celebrate Adolphe Saxs 201th birthday I decided to listen to some classic Jazz this weekend. I tend to prefer Jazz on vinyl as it has a special charm and atmosphere. Dont get me wrong. I have a huge collection of CDs, but I just love the sound of Jazz on vinyl. If you want to learn how to play  Jazz, check out We  have the best Music and  Jazz tutors  you  could ever ask for. Hope you have a lovely  weekend! ??

ALOHA Parent and Student Testimonials - Schaumburg, IL - ALOHA Mind Math

ALOHA Parent and Student Testimonials - Schaumburg, IL Parent Student Testimonials Following are ALOHA Parent Student Testimonials Spring 2014. We surveyed some of our students and their parents about the programs we offer at ALOHA and this is a group of the testimonials we received from one family and their instructor. Labdhi Jain Parents Sejal Manish Jain Schaumburg, Illinois Ugandhar Mukkamala, owner ALOHA was a thrilling experience! I really enjoyed everything throughout ALOHA. Before I started ALOHA, I didn’t feel as con?dent in school, and I wasn’t even fast in math. But now, I can’t believe I am this fast! While I was doing ALOHA, I felt my capacity of everything, physical, mental, incoming knowledge, etc. kept increasing. ALOHA made it easier for me to think broadly. It also helped me develop the right side of my brain. ALOHA has helped me to do my assignments fast, easily, and accurately. ALOHA didn’t only help me on math, but now I feel like I can do anything. And anything means everything! It totally opened a new path for me for an excellent destination. When I ?nished ALOHA, I really felt con?dent about all the things I did in ALOHA. I now can catch any concepts easily and fast because of ALOHA. I really loved the challenges ALOHA gave me. I believe that everyone should try ALOHA, I know that they would enjoy it. I would de?nitely recommend other children take advantage of ALOHA. I think my journey through ALOHA was really bene?cial and a wonderful experience. I think from my understandings ALOHA will help me on the path I am going towards in life. ALOHA is awesome… Siddhi Jain Parents Sejal Manish Jain Schaumburg, Illinois Ugandhar Mukkamala, owner First of all, I have to say that I really enjoyed ALOHA. I enjoyed learning something new and I liked the challenges that ALOHA gave me. My journey through ALOHA is becoming helpful in my daily life. Going back to when I started ALOHA I was little, very interested in the abacus because it was something new. I remember when I would go to sleep, I would always imagine myself, one day, graduating from ALOHA, how I would be able to do really hard problems, being at the top of my class with good grades, and beating my friends in math with the correct answers. I would do my homework every week, and soon I began to pass each level. When I ?nished level three, I took a break because my family and I were going to India. When we came back, I started level four. I found it kind of dif?cult to get back on track, because the break that I took lasted up to three months, but I managed and was back on track in a couple of weeks. Eventually, ALOHA got harder, and I started to have a couple more mistakes than I usually did. I slowly learned multiplication, and division, and then square roots. And when I was on level eight, I just couldn’t wait to ?nish the book. I was really excited. I am now really proud of myself for ?nishing ALOHA. My journey also helped me keep a faster pace in math than I usually did. ALOHA not only helped me in math, it also helped me give a higher quality of work to my teachers in every subject. My homework seems a lot easier to me and I can finish it faster. It also seems that a light bulb in my head is blinking faster with ideas and solutions. I am also noticing that my memory capacity has increased. I can remember formulas for math, and de?nitions of unknown words easily and quickly. I can remember and catch minute details faster than students in my class who haven’t taken ALOHA. This makes me really proud of myself. My struggles have varied. Sometimes I wouldn’t have enough time to ?nish pages in my homework, or it would be the opposite, and I would have to ?nish the pages that I didn’t do at home. Because I am in seventh grade for the last two trimesters at Frost Junior High, I get lot of homework, at least more homework than I would have started at a younger age. But I would ?nish my homework and do the pages in my ALOHA homework book. I also struggled a little when doing mind math because I was so used to calculating in my head the other way. But because I practiced, I grew stronger in my weaker area. I kept with the program because, as I said before, I really enjoyed the new challenges ALOHA gave me every day, and mostly because I began to see improvements in my work, and started to provide better quality in my work. I received support from my parents, who played a huge role in my accomplishments. They supported me when I got bored about doing pages in my homework book, or if I get really frustrated when I can’t do something right. My mom would always sit with me and help me solve the problems, even though she might have her own work to do. ALOHA offers a great path for your future. ALOHA will help me reach my goals and start a career in the future that would be bright and unique. Parents View Sejal and Manish (parents) say “Going by my chil-dren’s feedback, I think that the mind math program was amazing. When my kids started to progress slowly in ALOHA, I could see the growth that they had been making when I would do their school work with them. When my kids were done with ALOHA, they needed less help on their homework than they usually did. I could also see that everyday my kids would do the same amount of homework, but the pace that they worked at would increase little by little.” Instructor View Vamsi Cherukuri (Director) of the Schaumburg center added that these sisters are two of the ?rst Seniors to graduate from the program. Since they love the program so much they have returned on a weekly basis to volunteer to help younger students.